Classical piano lessons are offered to motivated, committed students on the west side of the Portland metro area in my Hillsboro studio (near Baseline/Cornelius Pass Rd).   Use the “Contact” page to inquire about an audition or trial month during the summer.


I work with dedicated students of all ages from beginning to advanced players. The first step toward enrollment is to submit your information on the contact page then schedule an audition/ interview or a trial month. Students in the Fisher Piano Studio are self-motivated, committed to their musical study, and eager to learn. Some students may pursue competitions and perhaps later on, a music degree, and others strive to grow in their personal skill and artistry each week, so they may enjoy the beauty of classical music more deeply and share that gift with others. Both paths are worthy of our time and diligent efforts.


To create and environment of joyful learning and mutual respect, basic expectations of the students include attentive engagement while taking instruction and maintaining control of their body at all times. This ensures an efficient learning environment and optimal use of lesson time.  If parents sit in on lessons, they should be in observation mode to keep the students' focus on their music and to support the growth of the student/teacher relationship.  If students are in the waiting area before or after lessons, they will be courteous and quiet so as to not distract their colleagues.


The primary curriculum I use for young students is the Piano Adventures series by Randall and Nancy Faber or Alfred’s Premier Piano Series.  For technical development, I use curriculum from the Levine School of Music in DC called “Keyboard Skills” which offers a comprehensive and systematic way for students to work through essential exercises (such as scales, arpeggios, cadences, transposing, diatonic triads and chord inversions as well as daily sight-reading assignments).   Etudes are also part of each students' technical development.  Classical repertoire is central once students achieve basic competence, and we have a rich and diverse library in the piano literature for varying levels.  I’m also open to incorporating other genres of interest to your child on the side including jazz, blues, boogie, and learning to read a chord chart.  However, this is a classical piano studio so our emphasis is on learning and mastering that genre. "Pop music" is not studied or assigned during lessons.  The development of sight-reading skills is also emphasized in a way that is appropriate to each students’ level.


With rare exceptions, I recommend students begin private lessons when they enter first or second grade, or when they are becoming proficient in their reading and writing skills.  This often coincides with musical readiness, signaling the time they will experience the most success and greatest joy in their musical study.  The most beneficial preparation for younger students is participation in quality early childhood music classes with a trained musician (such as Music Together, Kindermusic, or Musicgarten). Another great option in our area is participation in a children's choir.  When choosing a piano teacher, keep in mind your child’s first exposure to piano lessons will have a significant impact on their future success (as someone is famously quoted, “if the first teacher isn’t good, there probably won’t be a second”).   Having a solid foundation for your musical education is invaluable and promotes great confidence, allowing children to maximize their musical aptitude and long-term enjoyment of the art form. 


I offer weekly, private lessons near Hillsboro/West Beaverton. PLEASE NOTE:  If you are dropping your child off for lessons, you are welcome to come 5 minutes prior to lesson time to wash hands.  Prompt pick-up is expected at the time each lesson is finished.  Supervision is not available beyond the scheduled lesson time each week.


To begin piano study, you should have a high-quality acoustic piano in your home that is regularly tuned. If you are in the process of acquiring one, a full-size weighted keyboard, such as a Yamaha Clavinova, can suffice for a time for beginners while you gauge their interest.  Your piano should be tuned every 6-12 months and I recommend finding a certified piano tuner near you, searchable by zip code at www.ptg.org/findATechnician.php. I can personally recommend Max Biggs (https://www.maxbiggspiano.com).

The studio is equipped with a Mason & Hamlin “A” grand piano, a comfortable waiting area, and a full-size Roland keyboard in an adjacent room so siblings taking back-to-back lessons may use their waiting time to practice with headphones.


Two recitals are given each year, as well as a pre-recital masterclass/dress-rehearsal prior to each recital (this includes a chance to perform for peers, offer and receive feedback, and enjoy refreshments together).  Participation in additional competitions is offered to students interested in those opportunities, but attendance at each masterclass and recital is expected of all students after their first year of study. Adult students are always invited to join us but never required to perform if they do not wish to do so.

  1. Spring Recital:  This is a formal, classical recital featuring memorized solo music in early June.  Participation is required for all students who have studied with me for more than one year (with the exception of adult students who are welcome to perform but never required).  

  2. Winter Recital:  Each December, we perform a casual recital of holiday ensemble music at a local retirement center.  This is an excellent opportunity to broaden our collaborative skills with friends and family, encourage community engagement, and bring joy and cheer to a very enthusiastic audience.


Payment may be made by personal check or through Venmo or Zelle (online payment services) on the first day of every month. An annual registration fee of $50.00 per family is due at your first fall lesson to assist with the cost of recital hall rentals, masterclass supplies, piano tunings/maintenance, professional development and organizational dues. A flat semester fee is charged and may be paid in one lump sum or in equal monthly installments (for current rates, please contact me).   A $30 late fee should be automatically included in all payments made after the 1st day of each month.


Semester-long contracts are signed at the beginning of each semester (September, February and then again for July- August).  The studio schedule generally aligns with the Hillsboro School District calendar for major holidays and breaks (with the exception of minor holidays or teacher work days).  If lessons are terminated mid-semester, you are still responsible for paying tuition for the entire semester


Much like University tuition, you pay for a specific class time whether attended or not.  Since I can’t recover that time or give it to others, I can’t offer make-up lessons for reasons such as conflicts with sporting events, travel, or social events like birthday parties.   In case of lessons missed due to student illness, one designated make-up day per semester will be offered in an effort to keep sickness from spreading to other students.  However, notice must be provided prior to this absence to be eligible for a make-up lesson (even if last minute). If families want to coordinate a lesson swap with another family when navigating other scheduling conflicts, you are welcome to contact one another in advance using the studio’s google calendar. (Please note you are swapping lesson lengths with that student as well, even if they do not match exactly). In the event of inclement weather when driving conditions are unsafe and schools are closed, remote lessons will take place using FaceTime or Zoom at your regular lesson time. Please note that if a student is more than 15 minutes late, the lesson will be forfeited and no make-up is offered.


I will let you know what materials are needed for your child and you may order them directly, or get them at a local music store.  You will need to purchase a metronome and I highly recommend the Korg KDM-2 metronome for ease of use and functionality, which is available through amazon and other retailers. Having a pocket music dictionary at the piano is also useful during practice times.


I offer a 4-week trial month for students who are interested in possibly starting piano lessons in earnest, or perhaps want a formal assessment of their child’s musical readiness. Student must have completed kindergarten and be reading and writing with some fluency to be eligible for this. Please email me via the contact page for more details!


All students are expected to continue lessons during the summer, even if on a modified schedule (6+ weeks spread across the summer months to allow for vacations).  Summer contracts are tailored to your specific availability, unlike the school-year schedule which is prescribed.


A consistent, daily practice regime is essential and is a basic requirement to remain in the studio. Our time together is very important and directive, but your progress will depend heavily on the amount of regular, attentive, and quality practice time invested.  All assigned material should be covered thoroughly each day and we decide at your first lesson how much time that should include (usually 30 minutes/5-6 days a week for a beginner and 45-60 minutes for intermediate students).  Advanced students require more time depending on the difficulty of their music and goals of their study. You will be amazed at how rewarding and satisfying your musical experience will be as you give it concentrated attention.  Your musical training is an important investment and a wonderful privilege, bringing unique beauty to your life and to those around you. No one learns to play an instrument with proficiency by simply attending lessons. Similar to learning a second language, it requires a regular, daily investment of time and attention in order to progress.

I do not advocate practicing with mindless repetition (10x on each piece and your practicing is complete).  This leads to bad habits, unrecognized errors, and little growth.  Instead, focused attention should be given to each piece as we study together the next steps for progress and you are assigned specific practice technics to help achieve this.  In the words of Charlotte Mason, a great British educator at the turn of the 20th century:

"It is impossible to overstate the importance of this habit of attention.  It is, to quote words of weight, 'within the reach of everyone and should be made the primary object of all mental discipline';  for whatever the natural gifts of the child, it is only so far as the habit of attention is cultivated in him that he is able to make use of them.